Trust Board Meeting, 23rd May 2001
Present: James Proctor, Blair White, Garry Fyfe, George Howie, Tom Phillips, Neil Langtree, Mike Melville
Minutes of previous meeting (9 May 2001)
Meeting agreed they were a true record except that in para 5 it should read “John Cameron” not “John Campbell”.
Constitution update
Gordon Davidson at Paull and Williamson had noted a few minor differences when comparing the “Roverised” version with the model rules. JP will check original model rules against Trust rules.
There may be some doubt over whether “Trust” can be used in the title – the word has a legal meaning and may therefore not be acceptable. P&W to advise.
P&W also had query as to whether “Raith Rovers” would be acceptable to the Registrar. Was it copyrighted?
The Morton Trust’s costs will be in the region of £1500. Their scheme is much more complex.
JP had asked P&W to confirm the costs of £650 + VAT.
Membership update
GF stated that there had been no new members since last meeting.
BW confirmed that he had written to those who had made one off donations of £5 and £10 inviting them to now join the Trust either by lump sum or standing order. He will then write to the £15, £20 donations as the months pass.
GH confirmed that the Trust would be able to write to the Friends of the Rovers as the scheme was soon to end.
Co-opted Society Board member
Meeting felt that it would be better to write to Fife Council rather than a specific councillor. BW to draft letter and circulate for comment prior to sending.
Meeting decided to wait before approaching other possible members. Better to wait and establish what the “skills gaps” were.
Meeting with RRFC Board
BW confirmed he had written to the Board suggesting a meeting in June.
GH would chase up ED re meeting [Afternote: ED has replied suggesting a meeting, but not with full board].
Structure of the Trust
JP felt that the Board needed to assign individuals to particular aspects. It had worked quite well with the constitution/membership divide. So, responsibilities as follows:
- JP/GH/TP to monitor constitution / legal side
- GF/NL/BW to concentrate on membership issues
- GF finance with BW supporting
- MM website / media contacts
Meeting agreed that there was a good case for asking members to become involved in specific issues.
Marketing of the trust
MM felt that FFP would be prepared to do a piece on the Trust. Would be in close season, but possibly within a week or two of start of new season.
Fife Leader, Glenrothes Gazette – obvious candidates, but Board unsure as to impact.
The website was up, but not much traffic. Needed to have more material – eg minutes of meetings, etc
JP to approach his contact re the site
Meeting thought that newsletter to members was a good idea – quarterly? BW cautioned that the Board needed to be confident that the resource was there to ensure it survived.
Logo: GH stated that his contact had been away so had not progressed much.
Sponsorship opportunities
Board agreed the following:
- Player sponsorship @ £150
- Railway stand trackside board @ £100
Sponsoring the fixture list (20,000 copies raised gasps of disbelief) considered but is more than the Trust could afford at the moment.
Campaigns / Issues
JP stated that the RRFC had written to RRIST asking if it would be interested in assisting with the financing of the Youth Development scheme. There was a fair amount of enthusiasm from the Board members.
JP thought that the Trust could help finance the opening of the Railway Stand as a family area. Again, there was enthusiasm for the idea.
MM raised the idea of the Trust helping to finance a Commercial Manager. Board members agreed that there was logic to this idea.
BW thought that the Trust could finance robust market research into customer wishes, attitudes, aspirations, etc in relation to RRFC. MM thought that the Commercial Committee was considering this.
It was agreed that BW would respond to RRFC’s proposal on funding the Youth Development and ask for more information.
JP asked if Board should write to RRFC concerning the lack of imagination over 2001/02 season ticket prices. Board agreed to bring it up at the proposed meeting with the RRFC Board.
Date of next meeting
Agreed that it would be driven by the meeting with RRFC. Next meeting TBD.