Trust Board Meeting, 29th November 2005
Venue: Tom Phillips’ house, Kirkcaldy
Present: James Proctor (JP) George Howie (GH) Tom Phillips (TP) Neil Langtree (NL) Alan Russell (AR)
Apologies: Collas Pilmer (CP) Chis McFarlane (CM) John Mainland (JM)
Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes were agreed as a fair record of the previous meeting
Treasurers report
Update of finances was given
Membership update
469 – 108 founders, 312 new adult, 49 junior (no change)
Membership renewal notices to be sent out in Jan 06 – ONGOING – ACTION (JP)
Matters arising
Loan Fund – Letter issued proposing transfer of funds to buyout. Closing date for acceptance or otherwise is 09/12/05 – ONGOING
Proposed Board Members’ evening out (at own cost). Date selected is Saturday 14/01/06 after the home match with Stirling Albion – ONGOING action (NL/CP)
Trust tasks – job descriptions to be facilitated, designed to interest other members in joining/co-opting membership to the Board, or simply performing tasks at the Board’s behest; Date Wed 14/12/05 – ACTION (AR)
A second draft of the community club discussion paper “Towards an Integrated Community Club” was issued in paper form (TP); This will probably result in a 3rd draft shortly – (TP) ONGOING
A bill from Carters for approximately £1200 re. due diligence and approximately £4500 from solicitors WJM re. buyout work was agreed to be paid (unanimous) – CHEQUES SIGNED – COMPLETED
Trust Board
AGM – Proposed date is now January 06 possibly at the Parkway Hotel; Collas Pilmer (CP) announced his decision to stand down at the AGM though he will remain an active Trust Member. Alan Russell retires in rotation but is prepared to stand again – ONGOING
Trust accounts, AGM and election – contact to be made with Auditor re. provision of report. Draft issued by Auditor. Estimated costs £940 + VAT. Accounts to be agreed early in December – ACTION (JP) & (CM) – ONGOING
Re-election of Board Members – constitution procedures to be followed and the election will probably be in January 06 due to the busy schedule of RtR; proposed (JP) and seconded (TP); unanimously carried – ACTION (JP) – COMPLETED
AGM proposal – allow other groups to be co-opted onto Trust Board – ACTION (ALL)
Date of next meeting (to document the Trust board’s tasks) – Wednesday 14 December 2005 – 19:30, at ForthRoad’s offices, The Boathouse, Aberdour (courtesy of AR)