Trust Board Meeting, 15th October 2016
Venue: The Boathouse, Aberdour
Present: James Proctor (JP), Niall Russell (NR), Steven Lawther (SL), Alan Russell (AR) & Graeme Condie (GC).
Apologies: Tam Cunningham (TC) & Steve Wallace (SW)
Treasurers Report
The year end accounts for 2015/16 were AGREED
Niall and Graham to have online access to bank account for bill payments – AGREED
Three year financial figures were presented for discussion, and the latest financial position was discussed.
Community Budget – The last meeting agreed in principle to create a specific budget for community activities. Implementing this should be a strategic decision and decided outwith the board meeting at an away day.
Membership Report
There are currently 185 members with renewals continuing to be received.
Communications Report
There have been occasional updates through social media.
Newsletter to be issued prior to AGM in December.
Events Report
The Burns Night is being planned for 28 Jan 2017 with tickets to be available in November.
The quiz night was successful and raised £525.
The Bottled Beer festival still needs someone to take the lead on it and no one has been identified yet.
Provisionally to be held on Saturday 3 December at 1.30pm prior to the Morton match. Venue and time to be agreed (JP).
No ongoing projects.
Raith Forum
Supporters Club – small loan has been paid back.
Away Day
Proposed to hold this before AGM.
Date of Next Meeting
After AGM.