Trust Board Meeting, 30th July 2007
Venue: Novar Bar, Kirkcaldy
Present: Alan Russell (AR), Graeme Condie (GC), John Mainland (JM), Tom Phillips (TP), Blair White (BW), George Howie (GW) and Tam Cunningham (TC)
Apologies: James Proctor (JP) and Mike Melville (MM)
Chairman welcomed everyone and opened the meeting.
Minutes of previous meeting
BW reported there was a minor amendment to the minutes of previous meeting. Outcomes: AR would edit it on the Trust website. BW to inform Phil Nicholson of the Fans Maintenance Team, detailing the offer to provide funds for the project and the funding arrangements.
Treasurers Report
GC reported that the 2005/06 accounts with the minor amendments corrected were received, the board read and approved them and AR & GC signed them off.
The 2006/07 accounts are almost finalised, waiting on the current months financial statements from the bank.
GC provided an up-to-date financial statement.
Membership Update
The Membership Secretary was not present. BW to contact JP to arrange handover as he is keen to get started on the membership work with good ideas of informing fans of the forthcoming AGM and providing details of the renewals of the annual/monthly subscriptions with one mail shot.
Matters Arising
Raith Forum:
The Trust’s £8k donation to the Forum’s £30k target has been paid and AR is to pursue the club regarding a public handover of the customary cheque to a high profile member of the club (hopefully, the home game on the 11 August).
Trust board meeting with RRFC Directors:
Briefly, AR (along with BW, GC, TP & TC) reported we had a good meeting with Dave Somerville and Alex Condie, stating the clubs plan is realistic but ambitious and the club looking for help in filling the financial and resource gaps in this plan.
Discussed this season’s fans contribution of £20K, outlining what is going on within the club and the professionalism felt in the club.
GC had a meeting with Alex Condie and Greig Codd who has ideas for fund raising.
AR contacted a small company who may be able to help in running a raffle with a car as the top prize. (Car provided by an RRFC contact)
Discussed the forthcoming AGM and set a date – 27 September 2007 with the venue in the Raith Suite. A returning officer will be required and Dave Somerville will be invited to attend
JM proposed we sponsor a player again this season and discussed the preferred options: Lumsden, Darling and Weir. Agreed. JM to pursue with the club.
TC proposed the Trust sponsor the home game Team Sheet for the season, this would enable the Trust to advertise spreading the message and provide updates throughout the season. Adopting BW’s idea of the banner tear-off strip with membership details. Agreed. JM to pursue with the club.
GC reported we had received a letter from MSP George Foulkes regarding a request that the club uses Fairtrade products. No action taken.
GC suggested a meeting to discuss Trust objectives for the year ahead. AR, TP & GC suggested it would be useful to remind ourselves of our high level objectives (e.g. those stated aims in our accounts) and those things we know need to happen this year e.g. election of director rep. And then see what other objectives we might want to set ourselves for the year or longer.
AR proposed the board meets for a brainstorming session at 10:30, Saturday 11 August 2007 at the ForthRoad office, The Boathouse, Silversands, Hawkcraig Rd, Aberdour.
With no other business to attend to, the meeting closed at 21:10.
Date of next meeting
The next meeting is provisionally scheduled for Monday 27th August 2007. The meeting will be held in the Novar Bar, Kirkcaldy unless otherwise advised.