Trust Board Meeting, 10th August 2013
Venue: The Boathouse, Aberdour
Present: James Proctor (JP), Niall Russell (NR), Steven Lawther (SL), Graeme Condie (GC) and Alan Russell (AR)
Apologies: Tam Cunningham (TC) and Steve Wallace (SW)
Minutes of previous meeting
It was agreed that they were a record of the previous board meeting on 29 April 2013.
Action: AR to publish to website
Matters Arising
Events volunteer (AR) – 5 volunteers willing to assist in the Football Memories/Alzheimer’s Scotland project in September
RRFC Open Day on Sunday 1 September from 11am to 2pm – Forum would like volunteers to help. Trust to have a stand with a newsletter to give out.
Action: SL & GC to assist at RRFC Open Day
Away Day Notes (SW) – SW to send out
Action: SW to email Away Day notes
Treasurers Report
GC gave an overview of the current bank balances. Lotto and pitchside advertising board bill still to come off
2012/13 Accounts – to be ready for September board meeting and late November AGM.
Action: GC to provide accounts to September Board Meeting
Membership Update
Currently contacting all members to ask for renewals
Raith Trust Communication Update
Good response to the online hustings event.
Lotto sponsorship has been agreed and is live and pitchside advertising has been renewed with same board.
Propose to do six newsletters a year – mostly online but with one or two printed versions.
Important to think ahead and agree player/management appearance for a future event.
Action: JP to add newsletter production to forward calendar.
Action: SL to produce newsletter for Dundee match/Open Day
Action: SW to decide whether player appearance is required for one of the three planned events.
Calendar of Board meetings – The calendar was accepted. Also future board meetings would either be held prior to a home match in The Boathouse or on Tuesday or Thursday in the 200 Club. The Novar Bar would be a last resort venue. Subject meetings could be held by conference call.
Rules and Documents – There should be a review of rules for the next AGM in order to ensure they are up-to-date with best practice – Accepted.
GC raised whether this would affect the pre-amble to the accounts.
Board Membership – it was agreed that new board members should be sought to cover officer positions, provide succession planning and increase diversity – Accepted.
JP to speak to Allan Traynor in regard to his ideas on taking the club forward.
NR to create list of female Trust members to help identify board candidates.
JP to check pre-amble to accounts to see whether it needs amended after any rule amendments.
JP to discuss adopting New Model Rules with Supporters Direct by next AGM.
Policy Papers Update
Legacy proposal should be taken forward and implemented.
Finance proposal to be put to one side. Re-consider financial strategy at future board meeting.
Consider what the Trust can do to encourage increased attendances.
Action: AR to speak to Kev Barretto & TC
Action: JP to speak to Allan Traynor in regard to ideas in his board nomination paper.
Quiz will take place from 7pm to 10pm on 26 September in the Raith Suite.
Action: SW to promote event with help from other board members.
Raith Forum
Jim McMillan Club is willing to contribute shares through the Trust from their fundraising.
Supporters Club had requested funds to stock the club shop – AGREED to contribute £1,000 and review in six months.
Rock the Rovers tickets – agreed to ask if any members wished to take the tickets provided to sponsors of the event.
Action: AR to ask Jim McMillan Club about previous contributions.
Action: AR to arrange payment to Supporters Club.
Action: NR to offer tickets to members on first come first served basis.
Date of next meeting
As per the Board Meeting Calendar the next meeting will be a teleconference on an evening to be agreed towards the end of August. The subject will be Events.
The next board meeting will take place at 12.30pm on 28 September, prior to the home match against Falkirk, in The Boathouse, Aberdour unless otherwise advised.