Trust Board Meeting, 12th March 2012
Venue: Stockbridge, Edinburgh
Present: Alan Russell (AR), John Mainland (JM), James Proctor (JP) and Steven Lawther (SL)
by invitation Steve Wallace, Niall Russell and Blair White
Apologies: Graeme Condie (GC) & Tam Cunningham (TC)
Chairman AR welcomed everyone and opened the meeting.
Minutes of previous meeting
It was agreed that they were a record of the AGM of 24 November 2011.
Action: AR to publish to website
Matters Arising
There is a need to plan ahead, make the AGM a social event and use a venue that is easier for people to get to in order to increase attendance.
Policy Papers
Further publicity on the policy papers is on hold while supporters concentrate on the “Rally Round Rovers” fundraising campaign.
Consider targeting specific members to get involved in each of the three areas identified.
Aim to further develop the papers with a view to increasing publicity in the new football season.
Action: AR to phone members who have ticked the relevant skills box in joining form.
Action: Other board members to develop papers further and create list of help/skills required to complete them.
Action: AR to contact Bill O’Neill to confirm unused sponsorship for team sheets.
Treasurers Report
In GC’s absence a full report was unavailable. Monthly income and bank balances were shared in the meeting.
Membership Update
Currently 217 members, a net loss of 20 members over the last 12 months.
There was recognition that there should be a more public push on memberships, both new and renewals, at the start of each season.
It was agreed to look at how events could be used to increase the trust’s profile and income over the next year.
Action: Steve Wallace to look at possible events for later in the year.
Communication Update
SL reported that sponsorship of the Rovers Lottery was available. SL’s company would be willing to make a significant contribution to the cost should the Trust board wish to take up the sponsorship. It was agreed that any sponsorship of this size needs to be matched with a push to increase membership and/or events income.
Action: Get opinion of all board members on whether to take up the sponsorship.
Rally Round the Rovers
Rovers Down South dinner had gone well. There are other events planned over the next couple of months.
Fans Forum
Main topic had been the possible refurbishment of the Raith Suite and its effect on the 200 Club.
New board members and their roles
The board thanked Blair White for his service in his second stint on the board and for his many hours of work as membership secretary.
Niall Russell and Steve Wallace were formally co-opted to the Trust Board.
Action: Blair to work with Niall Russell to hand over the membership information.
Action: AR to add Niall and Steve’s email addresses to the board list.
Supporters Direct Scotland
Action: JM and JP to attend meeting of Scottish Trusts in Stirling on Sunday 1 April.
Board Meetings
Agreed they would be held on the last Monday of every 2nd month. Venues in Kirkcaldy to be looked at with Novar Bar as the backup venue.
Date of next meeting
Monday 28 May 2012.The meeting will be held in the Novar Bar, Kirkcaldy unless otherwise advised.