Trust Board Meeting, 30th August 2010

Venue: Novar Bar, Kirkcaldy

Present: Alan Russell (AR), James Proctor (JP), Steven Lawther (SL), John Mainland (JM) & Tam Cunningham (TC)
Apologies: Blair White (BW), Graham Condie (GC) & Tom Phillips (TP)

Minutes of the Meeting on 26 July 2010

The minutes were approved.

Matters Arising

Action Points:

  • AR to discuss the forthcoming election and possible candidates with the other Rovers Fans Groups – Completed
  • ALL – provide names of local celebrities’ and ex-Rovers players who might want to join the Trust to raise awareness amongst Rovers fans: TC to contact Ally Gourlay, SL to contact Gordon Brown and Ian Rankin, TP to contact Val McDermid and Tom Brown – Ongoing
  • TC – Community Involvement project: Song for Rovers project by John Alexander, to contact and request details on what funding do you envisage from the Trust, the participation anticipated from the Trust, what is the potential for the fans, who will manage the project and who will lead the project? – Ongoing
  • JP to complete the Away Day report – Completed
  • SL to provide quotes for the Trust branding and display materials – The project has been progressed and the Trust table cover has been received and used. Pull up banner is in production and a template for newsletters, website is being designed.
  • SL & AR – Fans Session to be put on the Trust website – Completed
  • ALL – Leafleting campaign, everyone to assist distributing at the Dunfermline home game and SL & AR to promote on the Trust website and Fan Talk – Completed
  • ALL available board members to meet John Sim on 12 August – JM, TP & TC attended – Completed
  • Treasurers Report

    With GC unavailable JM provided a brief update.

    Action Point GC – With the club board discussing the restructuring of the clubs companies, GC is to find out what the implications are for the Trust. GC to provide an updated balance sheet for circulation and comment.

    Membership Update

    BW was unavailable however provided the following information:
    1.    We have 176 members.
    2.    83 of last year’s members have still to re-join
    3.    Of the 176 members, 98 pay by standing order.  To a certain extent we have to take some of this on trust as some people have indicated that they will be setting up SOs.  The more people that pay be SO the better, but keeping track of them is not straightforward (especially the £5 SOs on an annual basis).

    Couple of observations:
    1.    Checking some info from Graeme to try and reconcile some PayPal transactions.  I noticed that the details of 5 people, who had joined via the Trust website, had not been sent automatically to me.  i.e. they had paid to join but I was completely unaware of it.  I was under the impression that when people joined through the website I rec’d a copy of the details?  Is that the case?  BW has now included these people as members but it’s 5-6 months after they joined…
    2.    As far as I can see, only 2 members have re-joined for 2010/11 via the website.  That seems to be a quite low figure – I think I was expecting more – again, I’m concerned that the details of re-joiners are not being forwarded to me.

    Regarding the next stage, BW will be sending out a reminder letter to the 83 by the end of Sept/beginning of Oct. This is to simply to indicate that there are still a fair number of people who have still to re-join (last year a considerable number re-joined after the reminder letter).  If there is a Director election, we presumably want our membership to be at its greatest.

    Raith Trust Communication Issues

    SL provided the following report:

  • Provided good Trust media coverage in the Fife Free
  • Logo/banner stands etc: Action Point SL – Circulate the template for the newsletter for comment.
  • RRFC Holdings Ltd. AGM

    AR reported:
    At the RRFC Holdings AGM the accounts for the last two years were presented and approved, very straightforward as there were minimal changes in the accounts in this period. The main item of business was regarding the inter-company loans between RRFC Ltd, RRFC Holdings, and New Raith Rovers. Since the formation of Holdings and NRR, any new investment has been made in these two companies, and the money transferred to RRFC Ltd as a loan. Approximately £700k of inter-company loans has built up since 1994, and a proposal was made (and approved unanimously by the RRFC Holdings shareholders present) to allow these loans to be converted into RRFC Ltd shares. A similar proposal will be put to the shareholders of NRR at its AGM in September. IF approved, and the loans are converted to shares, Holdings and NRR will own approx 87% of the shares in RRFC Ltd, which would make any future restructuring of the companies, e.g. combining them into a single company, a more straightforward exercise.


  • Action Point JP to contact the FFP regarding an article about the Fans Board Member Election.
  • JMis to attend the Supporters Direct Chairpersons development workshop in pace of AR.
  • Action Point AR/TP to investigate with the club why the Trusts sponsorship of the team sheet and Craig Wedderburn has not gone ahead.
  • JM requested that we put forward names of people who might be interested in being a guest on the Treatment Table radio show.
  • AR reported that London Rovers requested the Trust match the funding of tickets for disadvantaged kids for Rovers home games. This was agreed. (£160)
  • Action Point AR to ask TP for specifics regarding the request from the club for funds to enable the Trust to reach a decision.
  • With no further business the meeting closed at 9:06pm.

    Date of Next Meeting

    27 September 2010 to be held in the Beveridge park Hotel if it is free.

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